Nutrition plans to fit your lifestyle and budget

Explore  nutrition plans that fit seamlessly into your everyday life with food and meal prep options that you’ll actually want to eat.

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Science based approach to healthy eating.

Let me tell you how I began my nutrition career. I was working as a trainer at a gym in Northwest Arkansas and I had several one-on-one clients that I saw multiple times a week. I would put them throughout the same workout each day at their varying time slot with me. Over the months that I began working with them, I had a few standout clients that exceeded their goals and expectations, but then I had some that were stagnant in their progress. As you can imagine, the ones who were seeing progress were thrilled, and the ones who saw no progress began losing their motivation and began talking themselves out of working out anymore.

So, I began speaking with both clientele and discovered the ones that were seeing remarkable results knew everything that was going into their mouth. They could tell me exactly how many grams of protein, how many calories, and how many ounces of water they were consuming on a daily basis. It was then that I realized you can't outwork a bad diet, and nutrition is the key to a long term body composition change. I then left my job, moved to central Arkansas, pursued a bachelor's degree in Dietetics at UCA, then later finished my Internship to become a Registered Dietitian at UAMS in Little Rock. I now can offer my clients guidance on both exercise and nutrition to ensure that we reach our goals. If you come to me with a good attitude, consistency, and a trainable mindset, I can get you wherever you want to be.

Keeping nutrition simple, affordable, and fun.

Weekly Meal Plans
Calculate calories and protein requirements for participants.
Introductory weigh-in.
We work with food preferences (Use food preference handout)
This is an individual plan. You can join or sign up at any time!
Each week the member is given 2 breakfast, 2 lunches, 2 dinners- this includes recipes, serving sizes, calorie and protein composition of each meal!
Recipes are included with meal plans.
15 min weekly check in. You will weigh once a week to recalculate macros!
Total cost is $75/week or $225/month
see services
Nutrition Subscription
You will get a weekly email with recipes, education topics, scholarly articles, interesting nutrition or exercise topics.
Bi-monthly group call to answer any questions
Facebook group with everyone in it! 
You’ll get accountability with the group 
Total cost= $25/month
see services

9 week 1-on-1 program

(1 week of onboarding, 8 weeks of structured program)
Max participants: 5 at a time 
This program has a start and end date. Members can not sign up whenever, they must wait for the start date.

  • This program is created to get you results
  • Pre/Post body measurements and weight are taken
  • Meal prep is included in the price (21 meals). Each meal will be calculated to your personalized macro and kcal needs + I will take food preference into account (Use food preference handout)
  • Personal Training and gym membership are included in the plan
  • Homework is included in this program as a checklist! This includes a meeting each week to go over where improvements need to be made, and they will be planned during the onboarding week (in person or via Zoom- whichever works best for the participant
  • Calorie needs and protein requirements are calculated
BOok a consult

30 Day Nutrition Challenge

Max participants: 10 at a time This program has a start and end date. Members can not sign up whenever, they must wait for the start date.

  • Calculate calorie needs and  protein requirements
  • Pre/post starting weight and body measurements are taken
  • This is a group course. Meetings will be held as a group. Everyone will be in a group text and go through this together!
  • All participants will receive a notebook. You are to write down everything you consume and the serving size.
  • You’ll receive education on focusing on eating the correct amount of calories and protein for your goals. After consuming the correct amount of protein, fill in the other calories with either carbs or fat.
  • You’ll get a weekly meeting either in person or virtually. 
  • Heavy on education! I am teaching you how to count your macros and giving you an indepth look at food.
BOok a consult

Book a Nutrition Consult

We know it’s overwhelming to change your eating and cooking habits. That’s why we have trained nutritionists to help guide you through your nutrition goals. Choose a time that works best for you and talk to one of our team nutritionists today!

BOok a consult

Eric thank you so much for your guidance and encouragement. The word of the day is RESULTS. The Bootcamp helped me get stronger and lose 17 pounds.


I am so excited that I gave the Bootcamp a chance. It wasn't easy, but with dedication, accountability, and perseverance it worked! I lost 16 pounds, and 14 inches overall from various spots. But more than that, I have become so much more aware of better food options and making more favorable choices.


Before I started the Bootcamp, my A1C was 9.3 and blood sugars were in the 330 range. I went for my 3 month follow up after the program and my A1C was 6.0 with blood sugars in the 117 range. I went from taking 4 blood sugar medications to now only 1, and I have got taken off my blood pressure medications. I also lost 10 pounds and 5.5 inches around my midsection.


Eric, thank you for the Bootcamp. I appreciate the accountability and your commitment. I thought it was an unattainable feat, but I stuck with it as best as I could and saw great results. It's a good thing I know a good seamstress because almost all my clothes are baggy! Also, it really makes my day when others seee my change. When they ask "What did you do?" I smile and reply "Bootcamp with Eric".


When I started this journey with Eric I honestly didn't know what to expect. After seeing my numbers from the pre-screening I was already discouraged, but I knew that I needed to make a change with my HEALTH and with his encouragement, dedication, and motivation, throughout this entire process, actually made it a lot easier for me to adapt to the new changes. I appreciate all the work he put into developing this program. You can see the passion he has for his career. I have lost a total of 19 pounds and dropped 7 inches off my waist. This Bootcamp made me want to change my lifestyle for good!
